For a LIMITED TIME, we are thrilled to make available the “Redeeming Hope” challenge coin for your personal collection! This 2 inch hard enamel gold coin features the main artwork of the film along with a beautifully designed custom-made 3D logo on the back. The logo’s slogan is “Darkness to Light” and claims Psalm 107:14-15 and Isaiah 9:2. It features a pair of shackled hands finding victory that is only available through the Word of God. The power of the Cross can certainly touch any chains, setting captives free, and bring liberating hope in the midst of darkness.
The front includes the motto “Valor. Vigilance. Victory” and claims I Peter 1:3-4 and Psalm 146:5. This bears great significance as our ministry “Redeeming Hope Crusades” desires to fervently bring the light of the glorious Gospel to the multitudes in need.
Many collectors have personally shared with us that this coin is one of the most beautiful ones they have ever seen. We have been encouraged to make it available for $100 each (plus shipping) and allow it be used as a fund-raising campaign for “Redeeming Hope Crusades”. All proceeds will go DIRECTLY toward the evangelistic meetings being conducted in India and Africa. In addition, our ministry is seeking to raise the funds needed to get “Redeeming Hope” professionally overdubbed into Hindi and Spanish.
This is a fun way to be able to give and an opportunity to receive a special memento for your investment into this ministry. God bless you!