Partner with Redeeming Hope Crusades

To God be the glory — lives are being changed in real-time! It has been incredible to see how God has worked and provided for this ministry through the generosity of His people. One thing that remains constant is “Redeeming Hope Crusades’” need for financial sponsorship so that it can continue reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In 2024, we are trusting God for an even greater harvest of souls than we have ever seen before, but we need your help. Would you prayerfully consider in “holding the ropes”? Your online donation or gift of any amount will help greatly. All gifts are tax-deductible.

The door for worldwide evangelism is open to us like never before, but we cannot do it without you!

Will you join us as a laborer in the harvest? We have faith that each seed sown into the mission's work will yield abundant fruit that remains.

We thank you for partnering with us in God’s harvest!